Intro to DRIP, REITs, and Dividend Reinvesting Recently I’ve been getting a lot of emails and articles for REITs and dividend returns, so I decided to do some digging. My initial starting place was this excellent intro article from Investopedia 1, followed by a little spelunking around Finviz 2. Outline What’s going on right now? What is a Dividend? How much do I pay in taxes? What is an MLP?...
My First Post
Getting started with Hugo for a personal blog: Create a github repo for your content: with the name <username> Initialize the repo with Hugo using the quick start instructions here: Setup the repo to publish to the gh-pages branch using the Github workflow here: Configure the actions-gh-pages deploy key as shown here: Now make sure to go back to the Pages section of your repo & set the branch to gh-pages, this will point the github action at your deploy branch....